Karzai, Abdullah and Ethnicity


Looking at the number of votes won for the top two candidates shows support for Abdullah in some Pashtun-majority areas in the southeast and east. He did not win any districts in these areas, but Abdullah, who is part Tajik, faired better in parts of Khost and Paktika where his campaign was able to organize large rallies before the election. Karzai, an ethnic Pashtun, won a handful of Tajik majority districts in Panjsher and Badakhshan. The Hazara-majority areas generally split the vote between Karzai and Bashardost.

This map of Afghanistan shows the primary ethnic groups by district. (See the About tab for information on the source of the ethnic data.) The size of the circles on the map shows the density of votes won by Karzai and Abdullah, respectively, in each district. Moving the cursor over a dot reveals the name of the district and the total number of votes awarded to that candidate. The data is based on the uncertified Independent Election Commission’s election results released on September 16, 2009. The IEC did not release a new set of results by district that reflects the corrections made in the audit and complaints process.